Welcome back! We are excited to hear about the great books you read over the summer. Students in grades 1 – 8, please turn in your summer reading logs during the first week of school. Individuals that completed summer reading logs will celebrate their accomplishment during an ice cream social with other students that also… Read more »
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Summer Reading
Want to come back to school in the fall and attend our ice cream social? If you answered yes, please take a moment and check out the information below. Every summer our students are asked to read to help prevent summer slide. Below you will find the links needed for these assignments. Middle School Reading… Read more »
Summer Work

Want to come back to school in the fall and attend our ice cream social? If you answered yes, please take a moment and check out the information below. Every summer our students are asked to read and complete math assignments (grades 4-8) to help prevent the summer slide. Below you will find the links… Read more »
Growing Up Surrounded By Books…

Growing Up Surrounded by Books Could Have Powerful, Lasting Effect on the Mind A new study suggests that exposure to large home libraries may have a long-term impact on proficiency in three key areas Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/growing-surrounded-books-may-bolster-skills-later-life-180970523/#6JjEo1w91VZHf42B.99
Summer Reading Ice Cream Social

The Ice Cream Social is tentatively planned for Thursday, September 6th, just after lunch for all grades. Students need to turn in reading logs to their teacher by Friday, August 24th. The absolute deadline is Tuesday, August 28th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Marcelino, dmarcelino@stellamarisacademy.org
New Books in the library and more to come!

You asked and we heard you! Many students have suggested books for the library and we have been able to add many of those requests along with several other great selections. Here are just a few of the new books we have added to the library this year: What’s Your Favorite Animal, by Eric… Read more »
New Books! New Series! New Fiction!

I have been digging through your suggestions in the bowl, and I’m excited to tell you that we have added over 100 new books to circulation this year! You wanted new books- and lots of new adventure/ fantasy. Here are just a few that came in:
The Spring Book Fair is Coming!

April 18-21 is our Spring Book Fair, and we are excited! The theme is a 60’s groovy celebration. So bring your flower power and get your reading ON!
Books in the 700’s!

Our Cat in the Hat board is highlighting a special section of the nonfiction side of the library this week- the 700s! Do you like to make crafts? Draw? Play sports? Then this is your section! Pop on over to dig through and find a book you wouldn’t usually go hunting for.
Catholic Schools Week!

What a fun week of celebrating Catholic Schools Week with all of you! I am so blessed to get to work with such an amazing group of talented kids. To celebrate our faith, I have pulled some of our favorite books about God and made a little display. I hope you enjoy!